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Ibrahim's took part in Amal Islami (KAMIL), choral speaking event on 30th April 2011 entitle 'Obey Your Parents'. Very much related to the recent Hari Ibu - well we should be celebrated it everyday. His performance failed to convince the judges that they deserve to win eventhough the competitor's performance was very much lower in quality compared to his. Cis La Vie!
I share the wordings for some of the pronouciations weren't that clear.
Assalamualaikum and a very good morning to honourable judges, teachers and fellow friends.
In thunder and lightning, here we come the children of today presenting to you 'OBEY YOUR PARENTS'
Children, obey your parents (individual)
Children, obey your parents,
Children, obey your parents,
Who are our parents?
Of course your mother and your father
Okay, I know
Who love your parents? me
We all love our parents very much!
Every muslim mush show goodness and mercy to his parents throughout thier lives.
The children mush show love and gratitude to their parents.
Why must we obey our parents?
We must obey them because...
A mother has borne burden during nine months of pregnancy,
Has undergone birth pain when delivering the baby,
And has sacrificed her comfort and sleep to care for her children.
Ewek ewek ewek...
The baby is crying. The mother must wake up! The father?
The father...Helps the mother prepare the milk (2x)
Wow! So sweet.. That is our parents sacrifice.
So..We must say 'Thank You' to them.
Besides that, we must obey our parents because...
They provide protection for us, I have a beautiful house in Taman Mawar...oooo..
Provide many types of food for us..ummmm..yummy yumm
Buy beautiful clothes for us. My mother bought them at JUSCO superstore..
Who provide them? Our parents provide them
After Allah, our parents deserve our thanks and obedience for the favours they had given us
We must do good to them
And pray to Allah that he blesses and heve mercy on them (Prayer for Parents0
A famous Hadtih says, "Paradise lies under the feet of the mother"
This means, doing good deeds to our mother lead to Paradise
Allah has placed the respect for parents just one level below the belief in Allah and true worship of Him.
The Propher (SAW) said:
'The pleasure of the lord is in the pleasure of the father, and the displeasure of the lord is in the displeasure of the father'...